The Enhancement of Image Quality in Visual Image Processing by Using Pixel based Digital Filters
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Digital image processing makes it possible to use the most sophisticated methods, so it can provide both more complex performance in simple tasks and the implementation of impossible methods. Digital cameras usually have a special hardware for image processing (specially added to the circuits or other chips) to convert the original data into a standard image file format in the form of a standard image file changes. The Digital filters are used to blur and sharpen visual based digital images. These filters can be done in the space sphere through the frequency field by covering specially designed cores or certain frequency bands. The images are usually stacked before the Fourier is transferred and the overlay filter images show the results of different layer techniques. In this paper, an innovation filter model was proposed interms of color pixels in the images. The proposed model has a high-pass filter shows extra edges when zero is compared to the repeat edge. The visual transformations make the basic changes of the film, including scaling, rotation, exchange, reflection and cultivation.
Digital Image Processing, Digital Camera, Digital Filters, Visual, Frequency Bands, Filter Model, Color Pixel.
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