2D Photonic Crystal Based Biosensor Using Rhombic Ring Resonator for Glucose Monitoring
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A 2D photonic crystal based biosensor using rhombic ring resonator is proposed and designed for monitoring the concentrations of glucose. The optical characteristics of rhombic ring resonator is analyzed and predicted by Finite Difference Time Domain method. A new structure of rhombic ring resonator is formed by utilizing bi-periodicity in the design of 2D silicon PC slab in hexagonal lattice with the size of 10 μm and 12μm in X and Z direction, respectively. The sensing parameters are observed in the rhombic ring resonator which are completely depends on the refractive indices of the material used. Thereby the concentrations of glucose can be monitored. The determined sensing parameters such as resonant wavelength is about 1546 nm, quality factor is of 178.5, higher sensitivity of 1000nm/RIU and 100% of transmission efficiency is also achieved.
Photonic Crystal, Biosensor, Rhombic Ring Resonator, Sensitivity.
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