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Assessment of Library Users' Feedback Using Modified Multilayer Perceptron Neural Networks

1 Department of Computer Science, Government Arts College, Udumalpet, India

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An attempt has been made to evaluate the feedbacks of library users of four different libraries by using neural network based data mining techniques. This paper presents the results of a survey of users' satisfactory level on four different libraries. The survey has been conducted among the users of four libraries of educational institutions of Kovai Medical Center Research and Educational Trust. Data were collected through questionnaires. Artificial neural network based data mining techniques are proposed and applied to assess the libraries in terms of level of satisfaction of users. In order to assess the users' satisfaction level, two neural network techniques: Modified Multilayer Perceptron Network-Supervised and Modified Multilayer Perceptron Network-Unsupervised are proposed. The proposed techniques are compared with the conventional classification algorithm Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network and found better in overall performance. It is found that the quality of service provided by the libraries is highly good and users are highly satisfied with various aspects of library service. The Arts and Science College Library secured the maximum percent in terms of user satisfaction. This shows that the users' satisfaction of ASCL is better than the other libraries. This study provides an insight into the actual quality and satisfactory level of users of libraries after proper assessment. It is strongly expected that the results will help library authorities to enhance services and quality in the near future.


Academic Libraries, Users’ Satisfaction, Data Mining, Data Classification, Artificial Neural Networks.
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  • Assessment of Library Users' Feedback Using Modified Multilayer Perceptron Neural Networks

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K. G. Nandha Kumar
Department of Computer Science, Government Arts College, Udumalpet, India
T. Christopher
Department of Computer Science, Government Arts College, Udumalpet, India


An attempt has been made to evaluate the feedbacks of library users of four different libraries by using neural network based data mining techniques. This paper presents the results of a survey of users' satisfactory level on four different libraries. The survey has been conducted among the users of four libraries of educational institutions of Kovai Medical Center Research and Educational Trust. Data were collected through questionnaires. Artificial neural network based data mining techniques are proposed and applied to assess the libraries in terms of level of satisfaction of users. In order to assess the users' satisfaction level, two neural network techniques: Modified Multilayer Perceptron Network-Supervised and Modified Multilayer Perceptron Network-Unsupervised are proposed. The proposed techniques are compared with the conventional classification algorithm Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network and found better in overall performance. It is found that the quality of service provided by the libraries is highly good and users are highly satisfied with various aspects of library service. The Arts and Science College Library secured the maximum percent in terms of user satisfaction. This shows that the users' satisfaction of ASCL is better than the other libraries. This study provides an insight into the actual quality and satisfactory level of users of libraries after proper assessment. It is strongly expected that the results will help library authorities to enhance services and quality in the near future.


Academic Libraries, Users’ Satisfaction, Data Mining, Data Classification, Artificial Neural Networks.
