Teacher Ranking System to Rank of Teacher as Per Specific Domain
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Today, data mining is used in every area. In data mining, huge quantity of data can be store. Now education is very powerful field. In this field, data mining suggests many techniques, tools and research plan for extracting large data generated by learning activities in educational system. The main aim of paper, we create a system which is giving rank to teacher as per subject or domain. It will help to assign teaching load to the teacher and assign subject to the teacher. This paper introduces a system i.e. system decide which teacher teaching which subject on the base of rank. The system assigned the subject is based on various parameters such as how many time teachers teach those subjects, resume, work done on subject, area of interest, student feedback ,etc. When principle or HOD assign proper teaching load to the faculty, the expertise of that faculty should be consider. Teaching load distribution is complicated work as it as many constituents such as maximum teaching load as each faculty, number of working hours etc. So, this system is useful to manage load of department. Therefore, there is need of recommendation system which will helpful to HOD as department level and principle as institute level.
Clustering, Naïve Bayes, Decision Trees, Weka.
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