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Implementation of Nonlinear Fuzzy Logic Fractional Order PID Controller (NFL-FOPID) with First Order Transfer Function

1 Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Modi Institute of Technology, India

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Today, the requirement of controllers in the field of engineering and process industries is going to be increased in order to control. Among all controllers, Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) controllers are widely used due to its easy implementation. The practical system is composed by the combination of sub-systems which exhibits the nonlinear behavior and conventional PID controllers are not so successful from stability point of view. In order to control those systems, in this paper, the Fractional Order PID (FOPID) controller has been used effectively instead of conventional PID controllers for those system which show the nonlinear behavior. Further, the control ability of the FOPID controller for the nonlinear environment has also been enhanced using Fuzzy Logic Control (FLC) concept with FOPID. Use of FLC concept with FOPID for nonlinear system has been abbreviated as NFL-FOPID (Nonlinear Fuzzy Logic- Fractional Order PID). Analysis and results verify that the proposed controller improves the efficiency as well as the stability of system.


PID Controller, Nonlinear, Fuzzy Logic Controller.
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  • D. Pullaguram, M. Mukherjee, S. Mishra and N. Senroy, “Non-Linear Fractional Order Controllers for Autonomous Microgrid System”, Proceedings of IEEE 6th International Conference on Power Systems, pp. 1-6, 2016.
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  • S. Sondhi and Y.V. Hote, “Stability Testing and IMC based Fractional Order PID Controller Design for Heating Furnace System”, Proceedings of Annual IEEE India Conference, pp. 1-5, 2014.
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  • Implementation of Nonlinear Fuzzy Logic Fractional Order PID Controller (NFL-FOPID) with First Order Transfer Function

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U. Hada
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Modi Institute of Technology, India
V. Soni
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Modi Institute of Technology, India


Today, the requirement of controllers in the field of engineering and process industries is going to be increased in order to control. Among all controllers, Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) controllers are widely used due to its easy implementation. The practical system is composed by the combination of sub-systems which exhibits the nonlinear behavior and conventional PID controllers are not so successful from stability point of view. In order to control those systems, in this paper, the Fractional Order PID (FOPID) controller has been used effectively instead of conventional PID controllers for those system which show the nonlinear behavior. Further, the control ability of the FOPID controller for the nonlinear environment has also been enhanced using Fuzzy Logic Control (FLC) concept with FOPID. Use of FLC concept with FOPID for nonlinear system has been abbreviated as NFL-FOPID (Nonlinear Fuzzy Logic- Fractional Order PID). Analysis and results verify that the proposed controller improves the efficiency as well as the stability of system.


PID Controller, Nonlinear, Fuzzy Logic Controller.
