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Computational Model for Mental Factor Classification

1 School of Computer Sciences, KBC North Maharashtra University, India

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Artificial Wisdom is advancement of Artificial Intelligence where wisdom should be recognized with the intelligence. Wisdom can be realized by adding values in the positive decisions. This is resulted in to the overall behavior of human being. Behavior can be demonstrated with the help of simulating thought process. Thoughts are generated in the mind along with the mental state. Mental state also known as mental factor is responsible for arousal of different types of thoughts. Ancient Indian cannon Abhidhamm claimed 52 mental factors. These are categorized in three classes such as Ethically Variable Factor, Unwholesome Factor and Beautiful Factor. Proposed computational model of consciousness demonstrates the classification of the mental states. Dataset consists of 445 samples collected from various respondents by asking three questions. Preprocessing is performed by using the techniques of Natural language processing and non-axiomatic logic. Convolutional Neural Network Machine learning technique applied to classify the mental factors. Performance of the proposed system is measured by applying statistical measures such as Accuracy, Precision, Specificity, Recall and F1-Score. Accuracy for small and large database is obtained as 86.92% and 93.02% respectively.


Cognitive Science, Artificial Wisdom, Thought Generation, Consciousness, Mental Factors
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  • Computational Model for Mental Factor Classification

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R. J. Ramteke
School of Computer Sciences, KBC North Maharashtra University, India
S. S. Gharde
School of Computer Sciences, KBC North Maharashtra University, India


Artificial Wisdom is advancement of Artificial Intelligence where wisdom should be recognized with the intelligence. Wisdom can be realized by adding values in the positive decisions. This is resulted in to the overall behavior of human being. Behavior can be demonstrated with the help of simulating thought process. Thoughts are generated in the mind along with the mental state. Mental state also known as mental factor is responsible for arousal of different types of thoughts. Ancient Indian cannon Abhidhamm claimed 52 mental factors. These are categorized in three classes such as Ethically Variable Factor, Unwholesome Factor and Beautiful Factor. Proposed computational model of consciousness demonstrates the classification of the mental states. Dataset consists of 445 samples collected from various respondents by asking three questions. Preprocessing is performed by using the techniques of Natural language processing and non-axiomatic logic. Convolutional Neural Network Machine learning technique applied to classify the mental factors. Performance of the proposed system is measured by applying statistical measures such as Accuracy, Precision, Specificity, Recall and F1-Score. Accuracy for small and large database is obtained as 86.92% and 93.02% respectively.


Cognitive Science, Artificial Wisdom, Thought Generation, Consciousness, Mental Factors
