Evaluation of CSR initiatives is important so as to ensure that the purpose of the activity I achieved as well as to identify areas of improvement. Program evaluation is used to assess CSR programs for its impact to assess the success of different aspects of the program. CybageKhushboo has a scholarship program that it began in 2009 to provide financial aid to promising economically backward students. In this study this program was evaluated with the aim to study the impact of the program. Logic Model has been used as the theoretical base of the evaluation design and implementation. The Logic Model when applied to evaluation of programs requires the data to be collected asInputs, Outputs/Process and Outcomes. The questionnaire was than administered to 734 scholarship beneficiaries of which 509 respondents reverted. Data was also collected from 53 parents and the CSR team with the perspective to get a better understanding about the program and its processes. Data Collection consists of one-on-one and telephonic questionnaire survey for scholars and telephonic structured interviews for parents. Based on the qualitative and quantitative data collected the researchers have recommended the points which will be able to cover the gap between all three perspectives (Team - Cybage, Scholars/parents and Researchers) at all three levels (Inputs, Process/outputs and Outcomes) and help CybageKhushboo create an Impact on the lives of underprivileged and create a high impact of the CSR Initiative.
Cybage CSR, Impact Evaluation, Khushboo Scholarship Initiative.
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