International Cloud Computing Literature:A Scientometric Analysis for 2004-13
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The paper examines 21397 global publications in cloud computing research, as-covered in Scopus database during 2004-13. The annual average growth rate is 96.77%. The global cloud computing research output comes from several countries, of which the top 15 most productive accounts for 90.07% share of the global output. The largest share of output (24.12% and 21.96%) came from China and USA, followed by Germany, India, UK, Taiwan, Australia, Italy, Japan, etc. Austria registered highest share (49.83%) of international collaborative papers among the top 15 countries in cloud computing during 2004-13, Computer science contributed the largest share (79.06%) during 2004-13, followed by engineering (21.20%), matiiematics (15.47%), social sciences (4.79%), etc. The top 25 organizations and 20 authors contributed 16.16% and 3.87% share to the global output during 2004-13. Conference proceedings (62.92%) and journals (22.05%) contributed the largest share to global output during 2004-13. The top 20 journals contributed 21.81% share to its total journal output during 2004-13. Only 71 publications (out of total global publications) have registered 100 or more citations since their publication till June 2014 registering an citation impact per paper of 216.68 during 2004-13.
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