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Literary Devices in Tamil Scholarly Communications

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2 Contact: 25, Peyalwar Koil Street, Thiruvellikeni, Chennai-600005, India

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Briefly describes the Vedic standards of exposition (authorial work) - Prabhu Sammita (seminal standard), Suhrit Sammita (near- semintil work, scholarly communications), Kanta Sammita (popular standard) and Sisu Sammita (children's standard)- and the parallel typology of compositions mentioned in the ancient Tamil classic TolkAppiam. TolkAppiam provides also standards and guidelines for various types of exposition. Discusses the planes work - idea plane and verbal plane and notational plane - involved in most intellectual expositions; enumerates the likely fallacies and faults that may occur in the idea and verbal planes respectively, as enumerated by S.R.Ranganathan. Authors use various devices / techniques to aid readers / listeners to grasp and understand betteran exposition. Over thirty literary devices {utti), including those proposed in TolkAppiam, are enumerated, grouped into nine categories. Shows that an information indexing and retrieval tool, such as a thesaurus, can also aid researches and knowledge discovery in the subject / domain covered by it.
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  • Murugan, V. (2000). Tolkappiam in English: Translation, with the Tamil text Transliteration in the Roman script, Introduction, glossary and illustrations. (Project Director: Dr. G. John Samuel). Chennai: Institute of Asian Studies. ISBN 81-87892-05-6
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  • Ranganathan, S. R. {Ed.) (1963). What of documents. Sec. 4. In: Documentations and its ^cett; chapter Bl.
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  • Tamil lexicon. Published under the authority of the University of Madras. Madras: University of Madras; 1924-1939. Reprint 1982. v. I-VI + Supplement

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  • Literary Devices in Tamil Scholarly Communications

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A. Neelameghan
Contact: 216, 4th Main, 16th Cross, Bangalore-560055, India
S. Parthasarathy
Contact: 25, Peyalwar Koil Street, Thiruvellikeni, Chennai-600005, India


Briefly describes the Vedic standards of exposition (authorial work) - Prabhu Sammita (seminal standard), Suhrit Sammita (near- semintil work, scholarly communications), Kanta Sammita (popular standard) and Sisu Sammita (children's standard)- and the parallel typology of compositions mentioned in the ancient Tamil classic TolkAppiam. TolkAppiam provides also standards and guidelines for various types of exposition. Discusses the planes work - idea plane and verbal plane and notational plane - involved in most intellectual expositions; enumerates the likely fallacies and faults that may occur in the idea and verbal planes respectively, as enumerated by S.R.Ranganathan. Authors use various devices / techniques to aid readers / listeners to grasp and understand betteran exposition. Over thirty literary devices {utti), including those proposed in TolkAppiam, are enumerated, grouped into nine categories. Shows that an information indexing and retrieval tool, such as a thesaurus, can also aid researches and knowledge discovery in the subject / domain covered by it.
