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Boron Isotope—A Cryptic Paleo-Seawater pH Proxy

1 RAM Foundation for Natural and Social Sciences, 75/B, Sovabazar Street, Kolkata 700 005, India

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After the discovery of the rare element Boron more than two centuries ago (1808), application of its isotopic ratio (δ11B) has been receiving the momentous consideration since the last few decades along the growing attention to the adversities of the anthropogenic CO2 emission on our hydrosphere. Despite the ongoing research, its empirical function in the field of paleo-seawater pH proxy is still relevant upto a certain upper limit of the Cenozoic. Under such circumstances here an effort has been made to realise the enigmatic relevance of the isotopic ratio of this rare element and its future in brief.
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  • Boron Isotope—A Cryptic Paleo-Seawater pH Proxy

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Ranasish Roy Chowdhury
RAM Foundation for Natural and Social Sciences, 75/B, Sovabazar Street, Kolkata 700 005, India
Reshmi Roy Chowdhury
RAM Foundation for Natural and Social Sciences, 75/B, Sovabazar Street, Kolkata 700 005, India


After the discovery of the rare element Boron more than two centuries ago (1808), application of its isotopic ratio (δ11B) has been receiving the momentous consideration since the last few decades along the growing attention to the adversities of the anthropogenic CO2 emission on our hydrosphere. Despite the ongoing research, its empirical function in the field of paleo-seawater pH proxy is still relevant upto a certain upper limit of the Cenozoic. Under such circumstances here an effort has been made to realise the enigmatic relevance of the isotopic ratio of this rare element and its future in brief.
