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Effect of Sublethal Toxicity of Malathion 50 Ec (.006 Ppm) on The Histopathology of Ovary of Fejervarya Limnocharis

1 Selection Grade Lectuier, Deptt of Zoology, G C College, Silthai 78S004, Assam, India

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The effect of malathion at sub-lethal concentration 50 EC (0.006 ppm) on ovary of Fejervarya limnochariswas studied for 24 hrs to 240 hrs of exposure. Remarkable histo- pathological alterations were observed in this organ. Ilistopathological effects such as fragmentation, ruptured wall, karyolysis of ova, ooplasmic vacuolation and atresia of the matured Oocyte were also observed. In most of the follicles oogenesis was not observed but in few follicles there were stages of primary Oocyte and secondary oocyte in the area of germinal epithelium. A coagulative and degenerative change of the Oogonia with a tendency towards cystic transformation was another prominent feature of malathion ex­posure. The magnitude of changes was time dependent being more prominent after 48 hrs of treatment with malathion 50EC (0.006 ppm).


Malathion , Ilistopathological, Karyolysis, Ooplasmic, Vacuolation, Atresia , Oogenesis , Oocyte, Follicles, Oogonia, Cystic
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  • Effect of Sublethal Toxicity of Malathion 50 Ec (.006 Ppm) on The Histopathology of Ovary of Fejervarya Limnocharis

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Chhaya Roy (Kundu)
Selection Grade Lectuier, Deptt of Zoology, G C College, Silthai 78S004, Assam, India


The effect of malathion at sub-lethal concentration 50 EC (0.006 ppm) on ovary of Fejervarya limnochariswas studied for 24 hrs to 240 hrs of exposure. Remarkable histo- pathological alterations were observed in this organ. Ilistopathological effects such as fragmentation, ruptured wall, karyolysis of ova, ooplasmic vacuolation and atresia of the matured Oocyte were also observed. In most of the follicles oogenesis was not observed but in few follicles there were stages of primary Oocyte and secondary oocyte in the area of germinal epithelium. A coagulative and degenerative change of the Oogonia with a tendency towards cystic transformation was another prominent feature of malathion ex­posure. The magnitude of changes was time dependent being more prominent after 48 hrs of treatment with malathion 50EC (0.006 ppm).


Malathion , Ilistopathological, Karyolysis, Ooplasmic, Vacuolation, Atresia , Oogenesis , Oocyte, Follicles, Oogonia, Cystic