Responses of Potassium on Floral Assemblages in the Forest Floors of West Bengal
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Collected soil samples from the selected pedons in the forest patches of South West part of West Bengal revealed higher content of potassium ranging from 55.20 to 671.89 kg/ha in comparison to nitrogen and phosphorus, the other two chief soil nutrients of the plants. Forest soils covered with Holarrhena antidysenterica (Kurchi) trees show higher values of potassium content ranging from 93.38 to 671.89 kg/ha, in contrast, the substrate soils of the Sal forest show relatively lower values for potassium ranging from 55.2 to 397.04 kg/ha though the Sal trees (Shorea robusta) are abundantly occurred in these forest patches dominating over the other vegetation out of four dominant timber tree species.
Potassium, Forest Vegetation, Soil Nutrients.
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