A Study to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Sensory Stimulation to Improve the Level of Consciousness among Traumatic Brain Injury Patients With GCS 7 – 10 at Thanthai Perriyar Government Head Quarters Hospital, Erode
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Background: Sensory deprivation is one of the common complications of coma patients in the intensive care unit (ICU). The purpose of this study was to prospectively examine the effects of an sensory stimulation on recovery in unconscious patients with traumatic brain injury.
Methods: The research approach is evaluative approach; research design implemented is Quasi experimental design with pre test -post test control group design. The sample consisted of 40 traumatic brain injury patients. Samples include both male and female, 20 each in experimental and 20 in control group. The intervention was given for 40 min, once a day for 7 consecutive days for the experimental group only. The Post test was conducted on the 8th day by using same Glasgow coma scale in experimental group as well as in control group.
Finding: In experimental group the pre test mean level of consciousness for eye opening response score is 3.20%, verbal response score is 3.50%, motor response score is 3.80%. The combine mean level of consciousness is 10.50%. In experimental group the post test mean level of consciousness for eye opening response score is 3.75%, verbal response score is 4.35%, motor response score is 4.90%. The combine mean level of consciousness is 13.0%. In control group the pre test mean level of consciousness for eye opening response score is 3.10%, verbal response was 2.90%, motor response is 2.95%. The combine mean level of consciousness is 8.95%. In control group the post test mean level of consciousness for eye opening is 3.15%, verbal response is 3.05%, motor response is 3.0%. The combine mean level of consciousness is 9.20%. The combined pre-test post test mean consciousness score of experimental group is 10.50% and 13.0% with enhancement of 2.50% with paired 't' value of 9.32 which is significant at 0.05 level. The combined pre-test post test mean consciousness score of control group is 8.95% and 9.20% with enhancement of 0.25% with paired 't' value of 1.86 which is not significant at 0.05 level. The findings shows sensory stimulation has a significant effect in improving the level of consciousness of experimental group than control group. So the researcher concluded that sensory stimulation has played a significant role in improving the level of consciousness of traumatic brain injury patients with GCS 7 - 10. Conclusion: These findings imply that providing sensory stimulation for traumatic brain injury patients will improve their level of consciousness.

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