Effect of Different Levels and Sources of Zinc Fertilizers on the Growth and Yield of Okra in Coastal Sandy Soil
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To find out the effect of different levels and sources of zinc fertilizers on the growth and yield of okra in coastal sandy soil, a pot experiment was carried out in the department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Annamalai University during January-April 2014. The texture of the soil was sandy and taxonomically classified as Typic usticpsamments with pH-8.32, EC-1.54 dS m-1 and represented low status of organic carbon (2.30 g kg-1). The soil had low alkaline KMnO4-N (134.50 kg ha-1), low in Olsen- P (9.48 kg ha-1) and medium in NH4OAc-K (178.20 kg ha-1). The available Zn (DTPA extractable Zn) content was 0.71 mg kg-1 in soil. The sixteen treatments consisted of four levels of zinc viz., 0, 10, 15 and 20 mg kg-1 Zn as factor-A and three different sources of zinc fertilizers viz., control, zinc sulphate (ZnSO4), Zn-EDTA and Zn-Humateas factor-B. The experiment was laid out in a Factorial Completely Randomized Design (FCRD) with three replications using okra variety MBH-64 as test crop. The results revealed that the combined application of Zn @ 15 mg kg-1 through Zn-Humate (A2B3) significantly increased the growth, yield characters and yield of okra.
ZnSo4, Zn-EDTA and Zn-Humate, Growth, Yield, Okra, Coastal Sandy Soil.
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