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Godawat, Asha
- Opinion of Readers towards Various Components of the Magazine
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Asha Godawat
1 Department of Home Science Extension and Commuincation Management, College of Home Science, Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology, Udaipur (Rajasthan), IN
1 Department of Home Science Extension and Commuincation Management, College of Home Science, Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology, Udaipur (Rajasthan), IN
International Journal of Home Science Extension and Communication Management, Vol 3, No 2 (2016), Pagination: 54-58Abstract
The present study was focused on the objective to find out the opinion of readers towards various components of magazine Rajasthan Kheti Pratap. The study was conducted in Bhinder panchayat samiti of Udaipur district, Rajasthan. The sample consisted of selected 100 readers from four villages of Bhinder i.e. vallabhnagar, Bhinder, Bhatevar and Vana. Personal interview technique was used for collecting data from the respondents. Frequency distribution, percentage, mean per cent score were used for analysis of data. The majority of the respondents (66%) had favourable and 20 per cent of them had unfavourable and only 14 per cent had most favourable opinion with the various components viz., cover page, content, language, format, illustration, management of magazine Rajasthan Kheti Pratap.Keywords
Opinion, Magazine.References
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- Televiewing Behaviour of Farm Women Regarding Farm and Home Related Programmes
Abstract Views :703 |
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Neha Goswami
Asha Godawat
1 Department of Home Science Extension and Communication Management, Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology, Udaipur (Rajasthan), IN
1 Department of Home Science Extension and Communication Management, Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology, Udaipur (Rajasthan), IN
International Journal of Home Science Extension and Communication Management, Vol 4, No 2 (2017), Pagination: 70-76Abstract
Information is the strongest tool in today’s technical world. For imparting any new information to the people “media” play a trenchant role in diffusion of information to make people updated and interested enough to participate in it. Mass media is playing a ponderous role by transmitting need based information in the quickest time to a larger public. Out of many mass media sources TV had won a special status in disseminating information in particularly to rural areas. Undoubtedly, television is an influential and appealing medium, capable to draw the attention of too many viewers regardless of the literacy or illiteracy. The main objective of this investigation was to study the televiewing behaviour of farm women regarding farm and home related programmes. In terms of the research design to collect the primary data of the study, the quantitative approach by means of interview schedule has been adopted to generate the primary data of the study where a total of 100 respondents, comprising of farm women from the Badgaon panchayat samiti of Udaipur district, Rajasthan have been selected as the main respondents of the study. The data were collected through personal interview method and subjected to statistical analysis. The study has revealed a number of important findings which reveal that more than 70 per cent of the respondents know the correct name, day, timing and duration of farm and home related programmes telecast on different channels. Apart from this, the findings of the study also revealed that majority of the respondents preferred evening time and demonstration mode of presentation.Keywords
Televiewing, Behaviour, Farm Women, Programmes, Farm, Home.References
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