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Stability of β-Carotene in Pumpkin Flour Fortified Vermicelli

1 CSIR - Central Food Technological Research Institute, Resource Centre, Habshiguda, Hyderabad - 500 007, Telengana, India

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Colour is one of the important attributes which influences the acceptance of a food product. Carotenoids are a class of compounds which impart colour into food products. The micronutrient in the fresh pumpkin such as carotene was found to be in good amounts (8 mg /100 g), while minerals such as P (27.8 mg/100 g) and Fe (1.5 mg/100 g) were present in considerable amounts. In the present study, attempts were made to store the carotene rich pumpkin flour (PF) at both ambient and refrigerated temperature for 6 months and its application in the preparation of vermicelli. The PF and PF fortified vermicelli samples were evaluated for the stability of β-carotene during storage. It was observed that at 4°C, the retention of β-carotene in PF was 25.5% at 6 months, while at 30°C, the retention was 11.45% for the same duration. The retention of β-carotene in vermicelli was higher at higher levels of PF incorporation (85.19%) as compared to lower levels of application (6.35%). However, a significant decrease in carotene during storage was observed in both PF incorporated vermicelli and PF stored under both refrigerated and ambient conditions


Pumpkin Flour, Vermicelli, Β-carotene, ERH Studies, Proximate Composition, Storage.

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  • Stability of β-Carotene in Pumpkin Flour Fortified Vermicelli

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K. Balaswamy
CSIR - Central Food Technological Research Institute, Resource Centre, Habshiguda, Hyderabad - 500 007, Telengana, India
P.G. Prabhakara Rao
CSIR - Central Food Technological Research Institute, Resource Centre, Habshiguda, Hyderabad - 500 007, Telengana, India
G. Sulochanamma
CSIR - Central Food Technological Research Institute, Resource Centre, Habshiguda, Hyderabad - 500 007, Telengana, India
A. Nagender
CSIR - Central Food Technological Research Institute, Resource Centre, Habshiguda, Hyderabad - 500 007, Telengana, India
K. Sathiya Mala
CSIR - Central Food Technological Research Institute, Resource Centre, Habshiguda, Hyderabad - 500 007, Telengana, India


Colour is one of the important attributes which influences the acceptance of a food product. Carotenoids are a class of compounds which impart colour into food products. The micronutrient in the fresh pumpkin such as carotene was found to be in good amounts (8 mg /100 g), while minerals such as P (27.8 mg/100 g) and Fe (1.5 mg/100 g) were present in considerable amounts. In the present study, attempts were made to store the carotene rich pumpkin flour (PF) at both ambient and refrigerated temperature for 6 months and its application in the preparation of vermicelli. The PF and PF fortified vermicelli samples were evaluated for the stability of β-carotene during storage. It was observed that at 4°C, the retention of β-carotene in PF was 25.5% at 6 months, while at 30°C, the retention was 11.45% for the same duration. The retention of β-carotene in vermicelli was higher at higher levels of PF incorporation (85.19%) as compared to lower levels of application (6.35%). However, a significant decrease in carotene during storage was observed in both PF incorporated vermicelli and PF stored under both refrigerated and ambient conditions


Pumpkin Flour, Vermicelli, Β-carotene, ERH Studies, Proximate Composition, Storage.
