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Witono, Yuli
- Hydrolysis Characteristics of Over Fermented Tempe (Fermented Soybean Cake) Product Hydrolyzed by Enzymatic Hydrolysis as Natural Flavor Source (Flavor Enhancer)
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1 Agricultural Industry Technology, Wijaya Kusuma University of Surabaya, ID
2 Agricultural Product Technology, Jember University, ID
3 Agricultural Product Technology, Brawijaya University, ID
1 Agricultural Industry Technology, Wijaya Kusuma University of Surabaya, ID
2 Agricultural Product Technology, Jember University, ID
3 Agricultural Product Technology, Brawijaya University, ID
The Indian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics, Vol 55, No 1 (2018), Pagination: 29-43Abstract
The purpose of this study is to be acknowledged of the characteristics of protein hydrolyzed from enzymatic hydrolysis process of rejected tempe. The parameters of rejected Tempe hydrolysis characteristics are dissoluble protein, dissoluble total sediment, maillard intensity, hydrolytic color, namely color L, color a, color b, whiteness, chrome and hue, level of staleness, antioxidant power, water activity, hydrolysis level, enzymatic reaction rate, HPLC amino acid and hydrolytic FTIR of over fermented-tempe. This study is designed using Randomized Complete Block Design with 3 (three) blocks as repetition. The result of this study indicates that the highest Hydrolysis Level (HL) belongs to Flavorzyme enzyme (10.3% HL), Protamex (8.4% HL) and Calontropin (7.1% HL) with enzymatic reaction rate for Flavorzyme enzyme is V max as much as 0.01727 mg per ml per minute, while the content of glutamate acid in hydrolyzed over fermented-tempe reaches 15.95%.Keywords
Hydrolysis Characteristics, Hydrolytic Level, Over Fermented-Tempe, Enzymatic Hydrolysis, Flavor Enhancer.References
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