Chemical Study on Rust of Sugarcane (cv. Co 86032)
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Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) is one of the important cash crops of the tropical and sub tropical countries, where 60 per cent of total sugar comes from sugarcane. The common rust of sugarcane caused by Puccinia melanocephala H. and P. Syd and orange rust caused by P. kuehnii are the important diseases of the crop, which cause both qualitative and quantitative loss in the cane yield. Field trail was conducted with three non- systemic and combifungicides and five systemic fungicides were evaluated. All treatments have reduced the disease severity significantly compared to untreated control (52.73%). Minimum severity was recorded at 0.1 per cent (13.83%) of tebuconazole which was at par with captan + hexaconazole (15.38%) at 0.2 per cent. Similar trend was observed after first and second spray of chemicals. Among all chemicals, tebuconazole was effective in controlling the disease and thereby increased the yield and yield parameters with economical B : C ratio.
B:C Ratio, Management, Rust, Sugarcane, Tebuconazole.
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