An Economic Analysis of Green Gram Arrivals and Price Behaviour in Akola District (Akola APMC) of Maharashtra
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Agriculture supply is uncertain and this uncertainty in supply leads to fluctuations in prices by two ways seasonal effects and cyclical effects. The broad objective of study was to examine price behaviour of important agricultural commodity green gram in Akola district. The data on arrivals and prices of green gram crop under study for the period of 20 years i.e. from 1987-06 were used. The data were collected from the records of Akola APMC. The results indicated that compound growth rate of production and arrival were found to be positively associated in period I (1987-96) of study and negatively associated in period II (1997-2006) of study for Akola APMC. Despite pronounced seasonality in arrivals there were negligible variations in seasonal prices of green gram. Cyclical fluctuations were found to be more pronounced than seasonal fluctuations in prices. This showed that when maximum production is there, prices decreased and increased during the pre harvest month. The C.V. was seen lowest for green gram crop.
APMC, Compound Growth Rate, Seasonal Indices, Cyclical Indices, Trend Analysis, Coeffient of Variation.
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