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Influence of Irrigation Scheduling and Mulching on Yield and Economics in Summer Sweet Corn

1 Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture, Dhukle (M.S.), India
2 Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture, Dhule (M.S.), India

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A field experiment was carried out at Post Graduate, Research Farm of Agronomy Section in the College of Agriculture., Dhule in summer season of 2014 to study the influence of irrigation scheduling and mulching on yield and economics in summer sweet corn.The results of present investigation showed that, with different irrigation and mulching treatments significantly increased the green cob and fodder yield. But, the interaction effect between irrigation scheduling and mulching found to be non-significant. From the present study, it is observed that, irrigation treatment IW/CPE ratio 1.00 gave highest green cob yield (190.82 q ha-1) and fodder yield (348.66 q ha-1) with maximum gross monetary returns (Rs. 243045 ha-1), net monetary returns (Rs. 169113 ha-1) and higher benefit cost ratio (3.26). While, mulching@ 5 t/ha. gave highest green cob yield (175.43 q ha-1) and fodder yield (342.55q ha-1) with higher gross monetary returns (Rs. 226808 ha-1), net monetary returns (Rs.153983 ha-1) and higher benefit cost ratio (3.11). Whereas, the minimum green cob and fodder yield with lower economics were recorded in irrigation treatment as per critical growth stages and without mulching. The mulching is done by using chick pea husk after 10th day from the common irrigation.


Sweet Corn, Irrigation Scheduling, Mulching.
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  • Influence of Irrigation Scheduling and Mulching on Yield and Economics in Summer Sweet Corn

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Sushma B. Sonpure
Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture, Dhukle (M.S.), India
S. S. Ilhe
Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture, Dhule (M.S.), India
S. C. Wadile
Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture, Dhule (M.S.), India


A field experiment was carried out at Post Graduate, Research Farm of Agronomy Section in the College of Agriculture., Dhule in summer season of 2014 to study the influence of irrigation scheduling and mulching on yield and economics in summer sweet corn.The results of present investigation showed that, with different irrigation and mulching treatments significantly increased the green cob and fodder yield. But, the interaction effect between irrigation scheduling and mulching found to be non-significant. From the present study, it is observed that, irrigation treatment IW/CPE ratio 1.00 gave highest green cob yield (190.82 q ha-1) and fodder yield (348.66 q ha-1) with maximum gross monetary returns (Rs. 243045 ha-1), net monetary returns (Rs. 169113 ha-1) and higher benefit cost ratio (3.26). While, mulching@ 5 t/ha. gave highest green cob yield (175.43 q ha-1) and fodder yield (342.55q ha-1) with higher gross monetary returns (Rs. 226808 ha-1), net monetary returns (Rs.153983 ha-1) and higher benefit cost ratio (3.11). Whereas, the minimum green cob and fodder yield with lower economics were recorded in irrigation treatment as per critical growth stages and without mulching. The mulching is done by using chick pea husk after 10th day from the common irrigation.


Sweet Corn, Irrigation Scheduling, Mulching.
