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Relevant Excerpts from the Report of the Competent Person Submitted to the Government are Reproduced Hereunder


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During the year in a Public Sector Unit an accident occurred when a thick crust formed over the molten metal was thrown out along with molten metal from a 2.5 Metric Tonne Capacity Induction Coil Heating Steel Melting Furnace, causing severe burn injuries to the near-by workers. Nine of them succumbed to the injuries later on. The crust and the molten motal flashed out when the operating personnel attempted to break the said crust.
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  • Relevant Excerpts from the Report of the Competent Person Submitted to the Government are Reproduced Hereunder

Abstract Views: 257  |  PDF Views: 0



During the year in a Public Sector Unit an accident occurred when a thick crust formed over the molten metal was thrown out along with molten metal from a 2.5 Metric Tonne Capacity Induction Coil Heating Steel Melting Furnace, causing severe burn injuries to the near-by workers. Nine of them succumbed to the injuries later on. The crust and the molten motal flashed out when the operating personnel attempted to break the said crust.