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A Fuzzy Ranking Approach for a Two-Warehouse Inventory Model for Deteriorating Items with Ramp Type Demand

1 Dr. B.C. Roy Engineering College, Durgapur, India
2 Durgapur Women's College, Durgapur, India

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In general, inventory models consider unlimited capacity of warehouses. But in real inventory situations, the capacities of warehouses are limited. So in such cases, to deal with unlimited stocks, one requires additional warehouses. Here a two-warehouse inventory model has been developed for deteriorating items with ramp type demand. Also a corresponding fuzzy model has been developed by considering inventory costs (holding cost, setup cost) and deterioration cost. Subsequently the model has been solved by fuzzy ranking based approach. In both crisp and fuzzy cases, models are being numerically illustrated through examples through a gradient based nonlinear optimization technique (LINGO). Moreover, some sensitivity analysis has been done by taking into consideration the deterioration rate and cost parameters.


Inventory, Two Warehouse System, Deteriorating Items, Ramp Type Demand, Fuzzy Ranking.
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  • A Fuzzy Ranking Approach for a Two-Warehouse Inventory Model for Deteriorating Items with Ramp Type Demand

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Avijit De
Dr. B.C. Roy Engineering College, Durgapur, India
Amitava Ghosh
Durgapur Women's College, Durgapur, India
Sujit Das
Dr. B.C. Roy Engineering College, Durgapur, India


In general, inventory models consider unlimited capacity of warehouses. But in real inventory situations, the capacities of warehouses are limited. So in such cases, to deal with unlimited stocks, one requires additional warehouses. Here a two-warehouse inventory model has been developed for deteriorating items with ramp type demand. Also a corresponding fuzzy model has been developed by considering inventory costs (holding cost, setup cost) and deterioration cost. Subsequently the model has been solved by fuzzy ranking based approach. In both crisp and fuzzy cases, models are being numerically illustrated through examples through a gradient based nonlinear optimization technique (LINGO). Moreover, some sensitivity analysis has been done by taking into consideration the deterioration rate and cost parameters.


Inventory, Two Warehouse System, Deteriorating Items, Ramp Type Demand, Fuzzy Ranking.
