Grinding of Titanium Using Alumina and Silicon Carbide Wheel
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In the ever prospering manufacturing sector, titanium is considered as an important material due to its mechanical properties, but grinding of titanium is quite a challenging task that needs necessary attention in order to improve its grindability. Past research works reported the success of sub-zero degree cooling for enhancing grindability of several materials. The present experimental work explores the effect of application of environment friendly liquid CO2 during grinding of titanium grade I alloy compared to that under dry condition. Grindability of silicon carbide and alumina wheel is investigated and compared. Experimental results indicate that alumina wheel performs better with liquid CO2 than SiC wheel and that in dry condition while grinding titanium grade I. Therefore, liquid CO2 based cooling system may be used in industry with alumina wheel when grinding titanium grade I.
Grinding, Grindability, Sub-Zero, Cooling, Titanium, Alumina, SiC, CO2.
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