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Experimental Investigation on Enhancing Grindability of Ti-6Ai-4V Under Varying Coolant Concentration

1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kalyani Government Engineering College, Kalyani -741235, West Bengal, India
2 Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Sikkim, Ravangla - 737139, Sikkim, India

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In the continuous evolving manufacturing industry, titanium is considered as one ofthe vital materials due to its superior properties; however, grinding of titanium is quite a challenging that demands crucial attention in order to improve its applicability. Present article deals on the effects of varying coolant concentration while grinding of Ti-6AI-4 V. The mode of coolant delivery adopted is drop-by-drop using infusion tube. The grinding performance is analysed using several relevant parameters like grinding force, grinding ratio, average surface roughness, ground surface quality, chip morphology, etc. The results suggest that grinding performance improves with increasing concentration of coolant in cutting fluid.


Grinding, RQL/SQL, DBD, SiC, Sodium Nitrite.
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  • Experimental Investigation on Enhancing Grindability of Ti-6Ai-4V Under Varying Coolant Concentration

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Anil Ghorai
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kalyani Government Engineering College, Kalyani -741235, West Bengal, India
Manish Mukhopadhyay
Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Sikkim, Ravangla - 737139, Sikkim, India
Pranab Kumar Kundu
Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Sikkim, Ravangla - 737139, Sikkim, India
Santanu Das
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kalyani Government Engineering College, Kalyani -741235, West Bengal, India


In the continuous evolving manufacturing industry, titanium is considered as one ofthe vital materials due to its superior properties; however, grinding of titanium is quite a challenging that demands crucial attention in order to improve its applicability. Present article deals on the effects of varying coolant concentration while grinding of Ti-6AI-4 V. The mode of coolant delivery adopted is drop-by-drop using infusion tube. The grinding performance is analysed using several relevant parameters like grinding force, grinding ratio, average surface roughness, ground surface quality, chip morphology, etc. The results suggest that grinding performance improves with increasing concentration of coolant in cutting fluid.


Grinding, RQL/SQL, DBD, SiC, Sodium Nitrite.
