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Weld Bead Profile of Duplex Stainless Steel Bead on E350 Low Alloy Steel Plate Done by Fcaw Using 100% C02 as Shielding Gas

1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kalyani Government Engineering College, Kalyani 741235, West Bengal, India

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Weld bead geometry plays significant role in quality of weld joint or clad layer or overlays. Heat input implies great impact in formation of weld bead. Weld bead geometry comprises components such as bead width, reinforcement height and penetration depth and some shape factors such as PSF (penetration shape factor) and RFF (reinforcement form factor). In present experiment, weld beads were produced on E350 low alloy steel with flux-cored E2209 T01 duplex stainless steel by gas metal arc welding using 100% C02 as shielding gas. Process parameters such as welding current and welding voltage were varying in nine times, keeping electrode holder speed constant so that nine different heat input have been generated those created nine weld bead samples. Visual inspection suggests continuous bead with moderate spatter. Macro structure results revealed that at increased heat input weld bead width and reinforcement height increased. On the other hand depth of penetration did not response with increase in heat input appreciably. On the whole, heat input influences weld bead profile parameters to a great extent. Within the experimental domain, large heat input increases weld bead width and height, but cannot change weld bead penetration significantly.


Weld Bead Geometry, Flux Cored Arc Welding, Heat Input, Regression Analysis.
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  • Weld Bead Profile of Duplex Stainless Steel Bead on E350 Low Alloy Steel Plate Done by Fcaw Using 100% C02 as Shielding Gas

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Manas Kumar Saha
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kalyani Government Engineering College, Kalyani 741235, West Bengal, India
Santanu Das
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kalyani Government Engineering College, Kalyani 741235, West Bengal, India


Weld bead geometry plays significant role in quality of weld joint or clad layer or overlays. Heat input implies great impact in formation of weld bead. Weld bead geometry comprises components such as bead width, reinforcement height and penetration depth and some shape factors such as PSF (penetration shape factor) and RFF (reinforcement form factor). In present experiment, weld beads were produced on E350 low alloy steel with flux-cored E2209 T01 duplex stainless steel by gas metal arc welding using 100% C02 as shielding gas. Process parameters such as welding current and welding voltage were varying in nine times, keeping electrode holder speed constant so that nine different heat input have been generated those created nine weld bead samples. Visual inspection suggests continuous bead with moderate spatter. Macro structure results revealed that at increased heat input weld bead width and reinforcement height increased. On the other hand depth of penetration did not response with increase in heat input appreciably. On the whole, heat input influences weld bead profile parameters to a great extent. Within the experimental domain, large heat input increases weld bead width and height, but cannot change weld bead penetration significantly.


Weld Bead Geometry, Flux Cored Arc Welding, Heat Input, Regression Analysis.
