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Impact of Experiential Learning on Learning Outcomes Among Engineering Students Based on Kolb's Model: A Netnography Study

1 Research Professor, Symbiosis Institute of Health Sciences – Pune, Symbiosis International (Deemed University), Pune, India
2 Group Project Manager, Infosys Limited, Pune, India

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This article aims to explore the impact of experiential learning on learning outcomes and clarify how and what makes experiential learning more impactful, keeping Kolb's learning model at the center. This study was conducted for engineering students through netnography methodology. By analyzing comments, we have gathered insights about the learning outcomes and type of experiential learning from engineering students through online forums and community pages. The study has a netnography tool, a most advanced and extended version of ethnography. For this study, we have referred to Kolb's experiential learning model to interpret the results gathered through netnography. The authors developed five dominating themes based on comments received and analyzed. The findings are five significant themes 1, Cooperative learning, 2. Consistency, 3. Relevance, 4. Simulation and 5 Transparency. Our study has important practical and theoretical implications considering how Engineering students' EL tasks should be framed, keeping Kolb's learning model in the center.


Experiential learning, Engineering, Learning outcomes, Netnography, Engineering Students.
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  • Impact of Experiential Learning on Learning Outcomes Among Engineering Students Based on Kolb's Model: A Netnography Study

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Mita Mehta
Research Professor, Symbiosis Institute of Health Sciences – Pune, Symbiosis International (Deemed University), Pune, India
Nishant Mehta
Group Project Manager, Infosys Limited, Pune, India


This article aims to explore the impact of experiential learning on learning outcomes and clarify how and what makes experiential learning more impactful, keeping Kolb's learning model at the center. This study was conducted for engineering students through netnography methodology. By analyzing comments, we have gathered insights about the learning outcomes and type of experiential learning from engineering students through online forums and community pages. The study has a netnography tool, a most advanced and extended version of ethnography. For this study, we have referred to Kolb's experiential learning model to interpret the results gathered through netnography. The authors developed five dominating themes based on comments received and analyzed. The findings are five significant themes 1, Cooperative learning, 2. Consistency, 3. Relevance, 4. Simulation and 5 Transparency. Our study has important practical and theoretical implications considering how Engineering students' EL tasks should be framed, keeping Kolb's learning model in the center.


Experiential learning, Engineering, Learning outcomes, Netnography, Engineering Students.
