Integral Closure of Noetherian Domains and Intersections of Rees Valuation Rings, (II)
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Let 1 < s1 < . . . < sk be integers, and assume that κ ≥ 2 (so sk ≤ 3). Then there exists a local UFD (Unique Factorization Domain) (R,M) such that:
(1) Height(M) = sk.
(2) R = R' = ∩{VI (V,N) € Vj}, where Vj (j = 1, . . . , κ) is the set of all of the Rees valuation rings (V,N) of the M-primary ideals such that trd((V I N) I (R I M)) = sj - 1.
(3) With V1, . . . , Vκ as in (2), V1 ∪ . . . Vκis a disjoint union of all of the Rees valuation rings of allof the M-primary ideals, and each M-primary ideal has at least one Rees valuation ring in each Vj .
Integral Closure, Local Domain, Rees Valuation Ring, Unique Factorization Domain.
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