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Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain: A Breakthrough Collaboration in IP Law

1 School of Law, Bennett University, Greater Noida -201 310, India
2 School of Law, Mahindra University, Hyderabad - 500 043, India

Artificial Intelligence and blockchain technology now influence the intellectual property environment. For example, machine learning is now regularly used in trademark and patent searches in IP databases. Machine learning implementations in different IP areas, including patent tracking, copyright evaluation, and trademark comparisons, can now be seen more often. A vast range of LP notary implementations are proposed using blockchain technologies, and new networks emerge, using both AIs and blockchains to build new IP communities. The growth of such technology in LPP is mainly driven by the IT industries, particularly technology entrepreneurs. In the context of the non-registered IP rights such as copyright (which under the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works and in many jurisdictions is not registrable) and unregistered design rights, blockchain technology can play an important role, too, because it can prove its conception, use and qualification (for example the countries where the design was first marketed and originality). Uploading the author or creator’s work and design data into a blockchain would produce a time-stamped record and solid proof of originality.So, IPO has laid the groundwork for the technology’s fusion into the IP ecosystem. Several other possible uses include ledger management, the creation of a monitoring authority to track the use of IP properties in the market and commercialization for investors via a bidding system. It will provide innovators with a centralized, government-backed market to attract investors and technology titans.


Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Copyright, Design, Patent, Smart Contract, IPR Ledger, Distributed Ledger Technology
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  • Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain: A Breakthrough Collaboration in IP Law

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Gyandeep Chaudhary
School of Law, Bennett University, Greater Noida -201 310, India
Aditi Nidhi
School of Law, Mahindra University, Hyderabad - 500 043, India


Artificial Intelligence and blockchain technology now influence the intellectual property environment. For example, machine learning is now regularly used in trademark and patent searches in IP databases. Machine learning implementations in different IP areas, including patent tracking, copyright evaluation, and trademark comparisons, can now be seen more often. A vast range of LP notary implementations are proposed using blockchain technologies, and new networks emerge, using both AIs and blockchains to build new IP communities. The growth of such technology in LPP is mainly driven by the IT industries, particularly technology entrepreneurs. In the context of the non-registered IP rights such as copyright (which under the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works and in many jurisdictions is not registrable) and unregistered design rights, blockchain technology can play an important role, too, because it can prove its conception, use and qualification (for example the countries where the design was first marketed and originality). Uploading the author or creator’s work and design data into a blockchain would produce a time-stamped record and solid proof of originality.So, IPO has laid the groundwork for the technology’s fusion into the IP ecosystem. Several other possible uses include ledger management, the creation of a monitoring authority to track the use of IP properties in the market and commercialization for investors via a bidding system. It will provide innovators with a centralized, government-backed market to attract investors and technology titans.


Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Copyright, Design, Patent, Smart Contract, IPR Ledger, Distributed Ledger Technology
