Vol 29, No 2 (2024)

Table of Contents

Vol 29, No 2 (2024)


The Unseen Arsenal: IPRs as a Weapon in Armed Conflicts
Niteesh Kumar Upadhyay, Ankita Upadhyay
 Vol 29, No 2 (2024), Pagination: 88-95
ABSTRACT | Abstract Views: 25  | 
Interplay between IPR and RTI with Special Reference to Patent Law in India: An Unfolding
Geeta , Vanshika Premani
 Vol 29, No 2 (2024), Pagination: 96-102
ABSTRACT | Abstract Views: 22  | 
Navigating the Grey Area: Copyright Implications of AI Generated Content
Vishnu S
 Vol 29, No 2 (2024), Pagination: 103-108
ABSTRACT | Abstract Views: 26  | 
Normative Consideration of A2K in the Space between Intellectual Property and Human Rights
Mili Joy Baxi
 Vol 29, No 2 (2024), Pagination: 109-119
ABSTRACT | Abstract Views: 31  | 
Impact Assessment of NEP and IPR on Institutes of Higher Education
Meghna Aggarwal, Pramod Kumar, Seema Gupta, Ruby Mishra
 Vol 29, No 2 (2024), Pagination: 120-126
ABSTRACT | Abstract Views: 24  | 
Intellectual Properties Derived in Space Exploration: Issues and Scopes
Koushik Saikia, Pritam Deb
 Vol 29, No 2 (2024), Pagination: 127-132
ABSTRACT | Abstract Views: 22  | 
Impact of TKDL on Patent Applications in the Field of Bio-resources and the Associated TK
Pankaj Kumar, Ameeta Sharma
 Vol 29, No 2 (2024), Pagination: 133-140
ABSTRACT | Abstract Views: 26  | 
Climate-friendly Innovations for Plant Varieties in India
Vijay K Tyagi, Priya Kumari
 Vol 29, No 2 (2024), Pagination: 141-148
ABSTRACT | Abstract Views: 24  |