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Quest for Identity and Survival:A Study of Manju Kapur’s Home

1 Doodhsakhar Mahavidyalaya, Bidri-416208 (Maharashtra), India

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“One is not born, but rather becomes woman. No biological, psychological or economic fate determines the figure that the female presents in a society, it is civilization as a whole that produces this creature... which is described as feminine” (Simone de Beauvoir, 1983:16).
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  • Quest for Identity and Survival:A Study of Manju Kapur’s Home

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N. S. Warake
Doodhsakhar Mahavidyalaya, Bidri-416208 (Maharashtra), India


“One is not born, but rather becomes woman. No biological, psychological or economic fate determines the figure that the female presents in a society, it is civilization as a whole that produces this creature... which is described as feminine” (Simone de Beauvoir, 1983:16).