Term Casting:A Conceptual Process of Term Building
Term plays an important role in our everyday life. We start with a term which leads to a search. The importance of term has developed with development of the literature. Hence term is a descriptor of the concept or the text in the process of a search. Historically term made its reference long back, which enabled to be the main technique in understanding the search for text and used extensively for communication. The article here is trying to define the process and concept with definition of term casting and “term o pyramids” as a model is conceptualizing the term and its relation in building an index through a process of term casting and term searching.
Terms, Term Casting, Termopyramids.
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- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dictionary (accessed on: 14/07/2015);
- http://www.bl.uk/learning/timeline/item102970.html(accessedon: 14/07/2015);
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ferdinand_Kittel (accessed on: 15/07/2015);
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Etymology (accessed on 18/07/2015);
- http://joshr.com/src/docs/HowToIndexAnything.pdf (accessed on: 20/07/2015).

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