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Wave-Particle Duality?

1 School of Science and Engineering, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom

An intuitive way of performing young’s double slit experiment have been proposed which can mark an end to the long-lasting debate of wave-particle duality. Insights related to it have been derived from the understanding of nature which include a hypothesis. Observer effect went obsolete and observed result matches with classical physics results.


Gravitational, Parallelogram, Measurement, Electrode.
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  • Wave-Particle Duality?

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School of Science and Engineering, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom


An intuitive way of performing young’s double slit experiment have been proposed which can mark an end to the long-lasting debate of wave-particle duality. Insights related to it have been derived from the understanding of nature which include a hypothesis. Observer effect went obsolete and observed result matches with classical physics results.


Gravitational, Parallelogram, Measurement, Electrode.
