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The Mechanics of Gravity

1 Bachelor of Engineering, University of Pretoria, South Africa

A hypothesis is presented for the existence of omnipresent, Omnidirectional photon flux, to which matter is mostly transparent, from which equations of mass, energy, and motion are derived. This model is based on the original Fatio/Le Sage’s shadow-gravity theories yet overcomes the numerous troubles that have plagued these theories. Mass is measured when an object is accelerated relative to the flux and causes a momentary flux disturbance. In return, an imbalanced flux will accelerate the same mass if it is free to move or apply a pressure force if it is restrained. E=mc2 is found as not only a measure of mass but also a measure of flux. A fraction of flux is absorbed into mass, resulting in a flux imbalance around mass and giving rise to the mechanics of gravity. From this premise, Newton’s equation is derived from the first principles. Gravitational constant G is found to be a function of flux-absorption and flux-mass-friction coefficients combined with a measure of local flux. G is thus not a universal constant. Apparent ‘instant action at a distance and ‘curved space’ are now understood through interpretations of this hypothesis.


Omni-Directional Photon Flux, Gravitational Constant, Inertial Mass, Gravitational Mass, Flux Absorption, Flux Coupling, Le Sage, Push-Gravity.
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  • The Mechanics of Gravity

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Francois Zinserling
Bachelor of Engineering, University of Pretoria, South Africa


A hypothesis is presented for the existence of omnipresent, Omnidirectional photon flux, to which matter is mostly transparent, from which equations of mass, energy, and motion are derived. This model is based on the original Fatio/Le Sage’s shadow-gravity theories yet overcomes the numerous troubles that have plagued these theories. Mass is measured when an object is accelerated relative to the flux and causes a momentary flux disturbance. In return, an imbalanced flux will accelerate the same mass if it is free to move or apply a pressure force if it is restrained. E=mc2 is found as not only a measure of mass but also a measure of flux. A fraction of flux is absorbed into mass, resulting in a flux imbalance around mass and giving rise to the mechanics of gravity. From this premise, Newton’s equation is derived from the first principles. Gravitational constant G is found to be a function of flux-absorption and flux-mass-friction coefficients combined with a measure of local flux. G is thus not a universal constant. Apparent ‘instant action at a distance and ‘curved space’ are now understood through interpretations of this hypothesis.


Omni-Directional Photon Flux, Gravitational Constant, Inertial Mass, Gravitational Mass, Flux Absorption, Flux Coupling, Le Sage, Push-Gravity.
