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Masses of Celestial Bodies

1 Department of Health and Primary Care, Petrozavodsk State University, Robinson Way, Cambridge, United Kingdom

The calculation of the masses of celestial bodies based on the theory of vortex gravity, cosmology, and cosmogony is proposed. Vortex gravity and cosmology is a new model of the emergence and existence of the universe and celestial objects. Based on this theory, the interaction of natural forces can be explained using ordinary physical patterns. The article calculates the actual values of the masses of celestial bodies. The values obtained are two orders of magnitude greater than the generally accepted values.


Vortex Gravity, Cosmology, Cosmogony, Heavenly Mechanics.
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  • Masses of Celestial Bodies

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A. S. Orlov
Department of Health and Primary Care, Petrozavodsk State University, Robinson Way, Cambridge, United Kingdom
S. A. Orlov
Department of Health and Primary Care, Petrozavodsk State University, Robinson Way, Cambridge, United Kingdom


The calculation of the masses of celestial bodies based on the theory of vortex gravity, cosmology, and cosmogony is proposed. Vortex gravity and cosmology is a new model of the emergence and existence of the universe and celestial objects. Based on this theory, the interaction of natural forces can be explained using ordinary physical patterns. The article calculates the actual values of the masses of celestial bodies. The values obtained are two orders of magnitude greater than the generally accepted values.


Vortex Gravity, Cosmology, Cosmogony, Heavenly Mechanics.
