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Step Towards Decentralized Energy Systems: A Grid-Tie Smart Solar Inverter

1 School of Engineering, the University of Edinburgh, UK., United Kingdom
2 Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Melbourne, Australia., Australia
3 Department of Electrical Engineering, Mehran UET Jamshoro, Pakistan., Pakistan

Energy crisis, the adverse effect of conventional energy sources and line losses are the major problems the world facing nowadays. These factors not only influence our economy and health but also have an equal impact on many other social factors. In this paper, the methods to overcome these crises by using clean energy sources have been discussed. As it is evident that clean energy sources are a pollution-free form of energy and have minimal effect on the environment, so it is better to use clean energy sources instead of conventional energy sources. Solar energy, being one of the cleanest forms of energy is recommended among all other clean energy sources. Furthermore, to exploit and use solar energy, the hardware model of the ‘smart solar inverter’ is proposed in this research work which works using the net metering technique. By employing this model, not only can the customers consume power independently, but surplus energy can be provided to the grid as well. Lastly, marketing techniques through the proposed model are suggested that make the clean energy entrepreneurship possible on both small and large scales.


Energy Crisis, Clean Energy, Smart Solar Inverter, Environment.
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  • Step Towards Decentralized Energy Systems: A Grid-Tie Smart Solar Inverter

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Abdul Haseeb
School of Engineering, the University of Edinburgh, UK., United Kingdom
Karan Bhatia
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Melbourne, Australia., Australia
Humayoon Shahid
Department of Electrical Engineering, Mehran UET Jamshoro, Pakistan., Pakistan
Bhawani Shankar
Department of Electrical Engineering, Mehran UET Jamshoro, Pakistan., Pakistan
Faizan Bari
Department of Electrical Engineering, Mehran UET Jamshoro, Pakistan., Pakistan
Bhunesh Harani
Department of Electrical Engineering, Mehran UET Jamshoro, Pakistan., Pakistan
Ali Asghar Memon
Department of Electrical Engineering, Mehran UET Jamshoro, Pakistan., Pakistan


Energy crisis, the adverse effect of conventional energy sources and line losses are the major problems the world facing nowadays. These factors not only influence our economy and health but also have an equal impact on many other social factors. In this paper, the methods to overcome these crises by using clean energy sources have been discussed. As it is evident that clean energy sources are a pollution-free form of energy and have minimal effect on the environment, so it is better to use clean energy sources instead of conventional energy sources. Solar energy, being one of the cleanest forms of energy is recommended among all other clean energy sources. Furthermore, to exploit and use solar energy, the hardware model of the ‘smart solar inverter’ is proposed in this research work which works using the net metering technique. By employing this model, not only can the customers consume power independently, but surplus energy can be provided to the grid as well. Lastly, marketing techniques through the proposed model are suggested that make the clean energy entrepreneurship possible on both small and large scales.


Energy Crisis, Clean Energy, Smart Solar Inverter, Environment.
