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A New Continued Fraction Approximation of the Gamma Function based on the Burnside’s Formula

1 Faculty of Mathematics, Kim Il Sung University, Pyongyang, Korea, Democratic People's Republic of

In this paper, based on the Burnside’s formula, we establish a new continued fraction approximation and inequalities of gamma function. Finally, for demonstrating the superiority of our new approximation over several formulas, we give some numerical computations.


Gamma function; Continued fraction; Burnside’s formula
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  • A New Continued Fraction Approximation of the Gamma Function based on the Burnside’s Formula

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JiMin Hwang
Faculty of Mathematics, Kim Il Sung University, Pyongyang, Korea, Democratic People's Republic of
SinIl Kim
Faculty of Mathematics, Kim Il Sung University, Pyongyang, Korea, Democratic People's Republic of
Ri Gwang
Faculty of Mathematics, Kim Il Sung University, Pyongyang, Korea, Democratic People's Republic of
HyonChol Kim
Faculty of Mathematics, Kim Il Sung University, Pyongyang, Korea, Democratic People's Republic of


In this paper, based on the Burnside’s formula, we establish a new continued fraction approximation and inequalities of gamma function. Finally, for demonstrating the superiority of our new approximation over several formulas, we give some numerical computations.


Gamma function; Continued fraction; Burnside’s formula
