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Semiconductors with Zero Ohmic Loss

1 Department of Physics, Orel State University, Orel, 302026, Russian Federation

Using the equations of thermodynamics, the universal principles of creating homogeneous solids of macroscopic dimensions are substantiated, with the polarization of which by an electric field their free energy decreases. The fundamental reasons for which ohmic loss in solids is zero have been established. The phenomena accompanying the anomalous polarization of solids are considered.


Surface; Semiconductors; Electric field; Permittivity; Polarization; Electricity; Ohmic loss
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  • Semiconductors with Zero Ohmic Loss

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Vladimir F. Kharlamov
Department of Physics, Orel State University, Orel, 302026, Russian Federation


Using the equations of thermodynamics, the universal principles of creating homogeneous solids of macroscopic dimensions are substantiated, with the polarization of which by an electric field their free energy decreases. The fundamental reasons for which ohmic loss in solids is zero have been established. The phenomena accompanying the anomalous polarization of solids are considered.


Surface; Semiconductors; Electric field; Permittivity; Polarization; Electricity; Ohmic loss
