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Total Rejection Sampling and the Reduction of the Wave Function

1 Western Digital Corporation, Irvine, CA 92612l, United States

We propose an exact new sampling algorithm using classical statistical theory. The proposed method will process an infinite amount of rejected samples in parallel before accepting one exact single sample from a target distribution using a winner-take-all mechanism. The algorithm is applied to sampling from general distributions in addition to sampling from the wave function density distribution which lies at the heart of the measurement problem in quantum physics.


Exact sampling; Rejection sampling; Reduction of the wave function; Quantum measurement problem
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  • Total Rejection Sampling and the Reduction of the Wave Function

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Noureddine Kermiche
Western Digital Corporation, Irvine, CA 92612l, United States


We propose an exact new sampling algorithm using classical statistical theory. The proposed method will process an infinite amount of rejected samples in parallel before accepting one exact single sample from a target distribution using a winner-take-all mechanism. The algorithm is applied to sampling from general distributions in addition to sampling from the wave function density distribution which lies at the heart of the measurement problem in quantum physics.


Exact sampling; Rejection sampling; Reduction of the wave function; Quantum measurement problem
