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A Study of the Impact of Transformational Leadership, Organizational Learning, and Knowledge Management on Organizational Innovation

1 School of Management, Wuhan University of Technology, P.R. 430070, China
2 University of Chittagong, 4331, Bangladesh
3 School of Management, Shanghai University, P.R. 200444, China

Purpose: This study aims at finding the potential impact on organizational innovations and corporate performance through the influence of transformational leadership on knowledge management and organizational learning.

Methodology: Stratified random sampling was used to collect 273 usable responses from 500 respondents for using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The deductive approach was adopted under positivism philosophy.

Findings: The Result shows that transformational leadership, organizational learning, and knowledge management significantly predict corporate innovation and those, in effect, foster organizational performance through organizational innovation.

Implication: One of the implications of this study is the role of transformational leadership is worth evident through empirical findings to transform knowledge management and organizational learning into organizational innovation.

Limitation: The size of the sample prevents the result to generalize the results in the home and abroad, and on the contrary, random sampling could have improved universal acceptance of the result which was not used in this study.


Innovation, Organizational Performance, Knowledge Management, Organizational Learning, Transformational Leadership.
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  • A Study of the Impact of Transformational Leadership, Organizational Learning, and Knowledge Management on Organizational Innovation

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Md. Aftab Uddin
School of Management, Wuhan University of Technology, P.R. 430070, China
Luo Fan
University of Chittagong, 4331, Bangladesh
Anupam Kumar Das
School of Management, Shanghai University, P.R. 200444, China


Purpose: This study aims at finding the potential impact on organizational innovations and corporate performance through the influence of transformational leadership on knowledge management and organizational learning.

Methodology: Stratified random sampling was used to collect 273 usable responses from 500 respondents for using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The deductive approach was adopted under positivism philosophy.

Findings: The Result shows that transformational leadership, organizational learning, and knowledge management significantly predict corporate innovation and those, in effect, foster organizational performance through organizational innovation.

Implication: One of the implications of this study is the role of transformational leadership is worth evident through empirical findings to transform knowledge management and organizational learning into organizational innovation.

Limitation: The size of the sample prevents the result to generalize the results in the home and abroad, and on the contrary, random sampling could have improved universal acceptance of the result which was not used in this study.


Innovation, Organizational Performance, Knowledge Management, Organizational Learning, Transformational Leadership.
