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Requirements Engineering Techniques for Data Warehouse using Information Packaging Methodology
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A requirement is a feature of the system or a description of something the system is capable of doing in order to fulfill the system's purpose. Building a data warehouse is a very challenging task. Most of the data ware house project fails to meet the business requirements and business goals because of the improper requirement engineering phase. The Requirement Engineering (RE) is the most important phase of the software development life cycle (SDLC). This phase results into a large document written in natural language that converts the incomplete, imprecise requirements and wishes of the potential users into complete, precise and formal specifications. This formal specification is known as SRS i.e. Software Requirement Specification. These Requirements are transformed into information package in the form of dimensions, hierarchies and facts to build a data warehouse. Hospital can be seen as an example of a complex system. This paper considers Hospital as a case study for which a software system has been developed taking the
mentioned approach into account. In this paper we study information package for Hospital Automation System.
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