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Role of Solar Energy in Sustainable Growth of the Indian IT Sector

1 MERI, India

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Solar energy is an important source of renewable energy which is obtained from sun. The most beneficial properties of solar energy are that it is a non-polluting, inexhaustible and unlimited source of energy. Information technology (IT) equipment is already estimated to account for about 2% of the global energy consumption, and this figure is only expected to rise [13]. This paper focuses on solar energy and its benefits followed by the use of it in IT equipment. This paper is divided in to four parts. First part is the introduction of solar energy that includes the various benefits of utilizing solar energy and how it has grown impressively as a solar sector in comparison to wind energy in India. The second section shows the scope of solar energy in India and the growing rate of solar projects. Third section describes how solar energy uses in IT sector by focusing on different solar panels available for laptops charging. Finally, the fourth section tells the process of charging Laptops using solar energy followed by comparison between different solar laptop chargers and their characteristics available in India.


Solar Energy, Renewable Energy, Solar Panels, Benefits, Solar Laptop Chargers, Photovoltaic, Wind Energy.
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Abstract Views: 302

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  • Role of Solar Energy in Sustainable Growth of the Indian IT Sector

Abstract Views: 302  |  PDF Views: 5


Pooja Sahdev
MERI, India
Deepa Gangwani
MERI, India


Solar energy is an important source of renewable energy which is obtained from sun. The most beneficial properties of solar energy are that it is a non-polluting, inexhaustible and unlimited source of energy. Information technology (IT) equipment is already estimated to account for about 2% of the global energy consumption, and this figure is only expected to rise [13]. This paper focuses on solar energy and its benefits followed by the use of it in IT equipment. This paper is divided in to four parts. First part is the introduction of solar energy that includes the various benefits of utilizing solar energy and how it has grown impressively as a solar sector in comparison to wind energy in India. The second section shows the scope of solar energy in India and the growing rate of solar projects. Third section describes how solar energy uses in IT sector by focusing on different solar panels available for laptops charging. Finally, the fourth section tells the process of charging Laptops using solar energy followed by comparison between different solar laptop chargers and their characteristics available in India.


Solar Energy, Renewable Energy, Solar Panels, Benefits, Solar Laptop Chargers, Photovoltaic, Wind Energy.
