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Managing Expatriate through Emotional Intelligence and Skills of Knowledge Management in I.T Industry

1 MERI, Janak Puri, India
2 Wunderman International, Gurgaon, India

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Global environment, international customers, international assignments...are the focus of today's growing organization. Therefore, through necessity or choice, employees are working forward to achieve their dream lifestyle, high paid career assignments and life in a secure place. The need of a time says that expatriates should develop emotional intelligence along with knowledge management to foster growth but in case of I.T industries the concept of 'negotiation' (Gregory are developed to compromise norms, values&systems which provides cross culture working environment in dominating organizations (I.T).This paper opens the door of managing expatriates in U.S, U.K and European countries through three phase expatriate's life cycle and gaining emotional stability along with knowledge management through creation, valuation, integration, accessing and accruing knowledge and to develop and retain the expertise within the organization. The 30 expatriate employees of Western and European countries are studied through questionnaire and qualitative survey, methodology is developed to study on perception, cultural influence, multicultural behaviour and knowledge management practices.


Expatriate, Emotional Intelligence, Knowledge Management.
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  • Managing Expatriate through Emotional Intelligence and Skills of Knowledge Management in I.T Industry

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Mansi Saxena
MERI, Janak Puri, India
Lisa Mohanty
Wunderman International, Gurgaon, India


Global environment, international customers, international assignments...are the focus of today's growing organization. Therefore, through necessity or choice, employees are working forward to achieve their dream lifestyle, high paid career assignments and life in a secure place. The need of a time says that expatriates should develop emotional intelligence along with knowledge management to foster growth but in case of I.T industries the concept of 'negotiation' (Gregory are developed to compromise norms, values&systems which provides cross culture working environment in dominating organizations (I.T).This paper opens the door of managing expatriates in U.S, U.K and European countries through three phase expatriate's life cycle and gaining emotional stability along with knowledge management through creation, valuation, integration, accessing and accruing knowledge and to develop and retain the expertise within the organization. The 30 expatriate employees of Western and European countries are studied through questionnaire and qualitative survey, methodology is developed to study on perception, cultural influence, multicultural behaviour and knowledge management practices.


Expatriate, Emotional Intelligence, Knowledge Management.
