Selection and Optimization of Process Parameters of Friction Surfaced Deposits
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Friction surfacing is the novel process used for the surface modification process. In this process, frictional heat generated during relative motion of two contact surfaces is used for deposition of one material over the other effectively. The amount heat required for joining is mainly depends on selection of process parameters such as friction pressure, rotational speed of consumable, welding speed and dwell period. In this paper, discussed the various process parameters and the factors considered in selection their levels. The optimum parameters of the deposit are determined by designing 23 experiments for obtaining the desired characteristics i.e., with three factors at two levels for each and measured the responses of each deposit. Performed primary inspection and regression equations are determined for each response such as surface roughness, width, height and bond strengths viz tensile strength and shear strength. Experimental work of friction surfacing is also performed and inspected the quality of the deposit.
Friction Surfacing, Interface Properties, Friction Deposits, Process Parameters, Optimization, Solid State Welding.
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