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Effect of Exit Edge Beveling on Drilling Burr Formation Under Wet Environment

1 Mechanical Engineering Department, Kalyani Govt. Engineering College, Kalyani, West Bengal, India

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In drilling, burr formation is mostly observed at the exit edge of a workpiece. A burr can cause premature failure of cutting tools, dimensional errors in manufactured components and serious problems in assembly. Deburring operation is usually employed for removal of burr. For reduction of deburring cost and time, burr reduction is essentially needed. The present investigation on drilling burr formation demonstrates an approach for burr reduction at the exit edge of the workpiece. A number of experiments has been carried out on low carbon steel flats under water soluble oil cooled environment to explore the influence of different exit edge bevel angles on burr formation under different machining conditions. At 20o exit edge bevel angle, negligible burr is found at 0.2 mm/rev feed at all the cutting velocities considered and this condition may be adopted. However, with 25o exit edge bevel angle, sizeable burr is obtained making it unsuitable.


Drilling, Exit Edge Beveling, Wet Environment, Machining, Burr, Backup Support.
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  • Effect of Exit Edge Beveling on Drilling Burr Formation Under Wet Environment

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Kapil Roy
Mechanical Engineering Department, Kalyani Govt. Engineering College, Kalyani, West Bengal, India
Partha Pratim Saha
Mechanical Engineering Department, Kalyani Govt. Engineering College, Kalyani, West Bengal, India
Santanu Das
Mechanical Engineering Department, Kalyani Govt. Engineering College, Kalyani, West Bengal, India


In drilling, burr formation is mostly observed at the exit edge of a workpiece. A burr can cause premature failure of cutting tools, dimensional errors in manufactured components and serious problems in assembly. Deburring operation is usually employed for removal of burr. For reduction of deburring cost and time, burr reduction is essentially needed. The present investigation on drilling burr formation demonstrates an approach for burr reduction at the exit edge of the workpiece. A number of experiments has been carried out on low carbon steel flats under water soluble oil cooled environment to explore the influence of different exit edge bevel angles on burr formation under different machining conditions. At 20o exit edge bevel angle, negligible burr is found at 0.2 mm/rev feed at all the cutting velocities considered and this condition may be adopted. However, with 25o exit edge bevel angle, sizeable burr is obtained making it unsuitable.


Drilling, Exit Edge Beveling, Wet Environment, Machining, Burr, Backup Support.
