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The Importance of Co-Cr Alloys in Bioimplants for Hip Joints: A Review

1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab, India
2 Yadavindra College of Engineering, Talwandi Sabo, Punjab, India

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The metallic materials such as titanium alloys, cobalt Chromium alloys and, 316 stainless steel are mainly used as implant materials. The necessity of Co-Cr alloys in the orthopedic field due to its incomparable corrosion resistance and wear properties. These are majorly applicable for artificial hip and knee joints. Corrosion of implants in the biological environment is one of the major issues affecting the lifespan of orthopedic devices. Several surface modification techniques are employed to enhance corrosion resistance. This review highlights an ample summary of different coating methods to improve the performance of Co Cr alloys. Plasma spraying technique is reported as one of the best suitable methods to coat different alloys using hydroxyapatite and other reinforced powders to boost corrosion resistance and biocompatibility. Other than the corrosion and mechanical properties, selection of materials in bioimplants also plays a major role depending upon the life span and human body environment.


Co Cr Alloys, Bioimplants, Corrosion, Plasma Spray, Surface Modification.
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  • The Importance of Co-Cr Alloys in Bioimplants for Hip Joints: A Review

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Puneet Bansal
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab, India
Gurpreet Singh
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab, India
Hazoor Singh Sidhu
Yadavindra College of Engineering, Talwandi Sabo, Punjab, India


The metallic materials such as titanium alloys, cobalt Chromium alloys and, 316 stainless steel are mainly used as implant materials. The necessity of Co-Cr alloys in the orthopedic field due to its incomparable corrosion resistance and wear properties. These are majorly applicable for artificial hip and knee joints. Corrosion of implants in the biological environment is one of the major issues affecting the lifespan of orthopedic devices. Several surface modification techniques are employed to enhance corrosion resistance. This review highlights an ample summary of different coating methods to improve the performance of Co Cr alloys. Plasma spraying technique is reported as one of the best suitable methods to coat different alloys using hydroxyapatite and other reinforced powders to boost corrosion resistance and biocompatibility. Other than the corrosion and mechanical properties, selection of materials in bioimplants also plays a major role depending upon the life span and human body environment.


Co Cr Alloys, Bioimplants, Corrosion, Plasma Spray, Surface Modification.
