Noise Removal and Filtering Techniques Used in Medical Images
Noise removal techniques have become an essential practice in medical imaging application for the study of anatomical structure and image processing of MRI medical images. To report these issues many de-noising algorithm has been developed like Weiner filter, Gaussian filter, median filter etc. In this research work is done with only three of the above filters which are already mentioned were successfully used in medical imaging. The most commonly affected noises in medical MRI image are Salt and Pepper, Speckle, Gaussian and Poisson noise. The medical images taken for comparison include MRI images, in gray scale and RGB. The performances of these algorithms are examined for various noise types which are salt-and-pepper, Poisson, speckle, blurred and Gaussian Noise. The evaluation of these algorithms is done by the measures of the image file size, histogram and clarity scale of the images. The median filter performs better for removing salt-and-pepper noise and Poisson Noise for images in gray scale, and Weiner filter performs better for removing Speckle and Gaussian Noise and Gaussian filter for the Blurred Noise as suggested in the experimental results.
Weiner Filter, Median Filter, Gaussian Filter, Speckle Noise, Gaussian Noise, Salt and Pepper Noise, Blurred Noise, Poisson Noise.
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- Comparative Study of Fractional Filters for Alzheimer Disease Detection on MRI Images Samar M. Ismaila , Ahmed G. Radwanb,c, Ahmed H. Madianc,d, Mohamed F. Abu-ElYazeede a Faculty of IET, German University in Cairo (GUC), Egypt. b Dept. of Engineering Mathematics and Physics, Cairo University, Egypt. c NISC Research Center, Nile University, Cairo, Egypt. d Radiation Engineering Dept., NCRRT, Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority. e Electronics and comm. Eng. Dept., Cairo University, Egypt.
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- Research on Removing Noise in Medical Image Based on Median Filter Method NING Chun-yu 1.2, LIU Shu-fen’. QU Ming ‘1. Department ofComputer Science and Technology, Jilin University, Changchun, 130012, China; 2. School ofLife Science and Technology, Changchun University ofScience and Technology, Changchun, 130022, China.
- Enhancement Methods For Reduction Of Speckle In Ultrasound B- Mode Images 1 Kinita B Vandara, 2 DR. G. R. Kulkarni 1 Research Scholar, Department of Electronics and Communication, Shri J.J.T.University, vidyanagari, jhunjhunu, rajasthan 2 Principal, R.W.M.C.T’S Dnyanshree Institute of Engineering & Technology, Satara, Maharashtra.
- Noise Removal in Magnetic Resonance Images using Hybrid KSL Filtering Technique C.Lakshmi Devasena Department of Software Systems Karpagam Univeristy, M.Hemalata Department of Software Systems Karpagam Univeristy.
- Despeckling of Medical Ultrasound ImagesOleg V. Michailovich and Allen Tannenbaum, Member, IEEE.
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