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Z-Dijkstra’s Algorithm to solve Shortest Path Problem in a Z-Graph

1 Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Jamia Hamdard University Hamdard Nagar, New Delhi – 110062, India

In this paper the author introduces the notion of Z-weighted graph or Z-graph in Graph Theory, considers the Shortest Path Problem (SPP) in a Z-graph. The classical Dijkstra’s algorithm to find the shortest path in graphs  is not applicable to Z-graphs. Consequently the author proposes a new algorithm called by Z-Dijkstra's Algorithm with the philosophy of the classical Dijkstra's Algorithm to solve the SPP in a Z-graph.


Z-Number, Z-Distance, Z-Weighted Graph, Z-Graph, Z-Dijkstra's.
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  • Z-Dijkstra’s Algorithm to solve Shortest Path Problem in a Z-Graph

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Siddhartha Sankar Biswas
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Jamia Hamdard University Hamdard Nagar, New Delhi – 110062, India


In this paper the author introduces the notion of Z-weighted graph or Z-graph in Graph Theory, considers the Shortest Path Problem (SPP) in a Z-graph. The classical Dijkstra’s algorithm to find the shortest path in graphs  is not applicable to Z-graphs. Consequently the author proposes a new algorithm called by Z-Dijkstra's Algorithm with the philosophy of the classical Dijkstra's Algorithm to solve the SPP in a Z-graph.


Z-Number, Z-Distance, Z-Weighted Graph, Z-Graph, Z-Dijkstra's.
