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Privacy Preservation and Data Security on Internet Using Mutual Ssl

1 Department of Computer Science, Master of Computer Application, Christ University, India

It is essential to maintain a ratio between privacy protection and knowledge discovery. Internet users  depend daily on SSL/HTPS for secure communication on internet.

Over the years, many attacks on the certificate trust model it uses have been evolved. Mutual SSL authentication shared verification alludes to two parties validating each other through checking the digital certificate so that both sides are guaranteed of the other’s identity.

In technical terms, it alludes to a client (web program or client application) authenticate themselves to the server (server application) and that server likewise confirming itself to the client through checking the general public key certificate issued by trusted Certificate Authorities (CA). Since confirmation depends on computerized Certificate, certification authorities, for example, Verisign or Microsoft Declaration Server are a critical part of mutual authentication process.

From an abnormal state perspective, the way toward authenticating and setting up an encrypted channel using certificate-based mutual SSL authentication.


SSL (Secure Socket Layer), HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), Certificates Authority, Mutual SSL, Mutual Authentication, Client, Certificate.
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  • Privacy Preservation and Data Security on Internet Using Mutual Ssl

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R. S. Chouhan
Department of Computer Science, Master of Computer Application, Christ University, India
S. Sebastian
Department of Computer Science, Master of Computer Application, Christ University, India


It is essential to maintain a ratio between privacy protection and knowledge discovery. Internet users  depend daily on SSL/HTPS for secure communication on internet.

Over the years, many attacks on the certificate trust model it uses have been evolved. Mutual SSL authentication shared verification alludes to two parties validating each other through checking the digital certificate so that both sides are guaranteed of the other’s identity.

In technical terms, it alludes to a client (web program or client application) authenticate themselves to the server (server application) and that server likewise confirming itself to the client through checking the general public key certificate issued by trusted Certificate Authorities (CA). Since confirmation depends on computerized Certificate, certification authorities, for example, Verisign or Microsoft Declaration Server are a critical part of mutual authentication process.

From an abnormal state perspective, the way toward authenticating and setting up an encrypted channel using certificate-based mutual SSL authentication.


SSL (Secure Socket Layer), HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), Certificates Authority, Mutual SSL, Mutual Authentication, Client, Certificate.
