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A Soft Approach to Estimate Woody Volume of a Live Tree

1 School of Electrical Engg. & IT COAE&T, PAU Ludhiana, India

Tree volume is one of the oldest areas of interest and is a crucial task in tree management system. Estimating the woody volume of a live tree is important for economic, scientific purposes and provides a tool to researcher/grower. It provides the useful information about the commercial value of wood to the potential buyer/seller. However, manual methods are being used largely to calculate woody volume of a tree. These methods are based on different log rules, cumbersome and laborious. The present work proposed a digital image processing technique to estimate the woody volume of a live tree. The developed program successfully determines the woody volume of standing tree trunk with MATLAB image processing techniques. In this method three parameters an individual tree were extracted from digital images of the tree. Calibration factor was also calculated to make the method independent of camera distance from the tree. The method was tested on several samples of trees and compared to experimental results. The soft approach generates information about height, diameter and volume of the tree. The percentage error of height, diameter at breast height and volume of standing tree by proposed method and experimental results was found to be less than 6.65%.


Digital Image Processing, Diameter at Breast Height (DBH), Woody Volume of Live Tree.
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  • A Soft Approach to Estimate Woody Volume of a Live Tree

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Nikita Singla
School of Electrical Engg. & IT COAE&T, PAU Ludhiana, India
Derminder Singh
School of Electrical Engg. & IT COAE&T, PAU Ludhiana, India


Tree volume is one of the oldest areas of interest and is a crucial task in tree management system. Estimating the woody volume of a live tree is important for economic, scientific purposes and provides a tool to researcher/grower. It provides the useful information about the commercial value of wood to the potential buyer/seller. However, manual methods are being used largely to calculate woody volume of a tree. These methods are based on different log rules, cumbersome and laborious. The present work proposed a digital image processing technique to estimate the woody volume of a live tree. The developed program successfully determines the woody volume of standing tree trunk with MATLAB image processing techniques. In this method three parameters an individual tree were extracted from digital images of the tree. Calibration factor was also calculated to make the method independent of camera distance from the tree. The method was tested on several samples of trees and compared to experimental results. The soft approach generates information about height, diameter and volume of the tree. The percentage error of height, diameter at breast height and volume of standing tree by proposed method and experimental results was found to be less than 6.65%.


Digital Image Processing, Diameter at Breast Height (DBH), Woody Volume of Live Tree.
