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Double-reflecting Data Perturbation Method for Information Security

1 Bharathiar University, Department of IT, G M R Institute of Technology, Rajam, Andhra Pradesh - 532 127, India
2 Amritha Sai Institute of Science and Technology, Vijayawada, India

Information Security plays a vital role in data Communication through LAN, WAN, Internet etc. Cryptography is one of the best tools for Information Security. Cryptography is made up of two different tools that are Encryption and Decryption. Encryption is the method to hide the original data in Data Communication. While Data Communication, the data is masked using codes/shuffling. Here the purpose is to ensure privacy by keeping the information hidden/encoded to which it is not intended. When data reached destination, the encrypted data will be decrypted using some mathematical functions or decoding techniques is called Decryption. The processes are done using mathematical login, or algorithms. This paper proposes new methods for encryption and decryption by using some mathematical methods and number sequences.


Cryptography, Data Perturbation, Fibonacci, Lucas, Number Sequence.
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  • Double-reflecting Data Perturbation Method for Information Security

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Maram Balajee
Bharathiar University, Department of IT, G M R Institute of Technology, Rajam, Andhra Pradesh - 532 127, India
Challa Narasimham
Amritha Sai Institute of Science and Technology, Vijayawada, India


Information Security plays a vital role in data Communication through LAN, WAN, Internet etc. Cryptography is one of the best tools for Information Security. Cryptography is made up of two different tools that are Encryption and Decryption. Encryption is the method to hide the original data in Data Communication. While Data Communication, the data is masked using codes/shuffling. Here the purpose is to ensure privacy by keeping the information hidden/encoded to which it is not intended. When data reached destination, the encrypted data will be decrypted using some mathematical functions or decoding techniques is called Decryption. The processes are done using mathematical login, or algorithms. This paper proposes new methods for encryption and decryption by using some mathematical methods and number sequences.


Cryptography, Data Perturbation, Fibonacci, Lucas, Number Sequence.